sábado, 7 de junio de 2008

3rd Oral Presentation


Hy people!

We are angels and estela.
Today we want to talk about the traffic accidents, a topic that is a very hard problem in our society.

With this oral presentation we try that you think about all the things that are around of the victims of the traffic accidents, because always everybody think "this won’t pass to me" but sometimes this is not true.


Traffic accidents are a very important problem for our comunity.
Every day dead a lot of people in the hightway for diferents causes. For example : bad and crazy drivers, badly state of the highway, the alcohol and drugs, and another things.
There are more traffic accidents the holidays and in the weekend, because the people take mor the car.

The young drivers:

In 2007 died 1,593 young people between 18 and 29 years, most of the time on weekends, and said that more than half of menors 25 years have ever suffered a traffic accident.
It is said that with increasing age of drivers, reduce traffic accidents.
They say that the causes of all this is the alcohol and drugs, why the authorities are trying to increase the figure of an alternative driver for the weekend.


In 2007 died 490 motorcyclists on the roads in Spain and 7,000 were wounded.
The possibility of having a motorcycle accident, is 13 times higher than with car.

The main risk factor is alcohol, and after the fatigue.
The body parts that are most affected are the legs, head, arms and the face, so it is always advisable to use the helmet.

The why of this accidents:
- alcohol: it affects the vision, to calculate of distances and to the reaction capacity. Usualy it arries at the maximum point after one ouer ot to have consumed.
- Drugs: afect to the capacity of the capacity of the contuction, to the coordination of movements, to the state of animate and to the ersonality.
- Velocity: don’t respect the limits of the speed, as to go too fast or to go too much quickly it can be dangerous.
- Distraction: make diverse activities uring the conduction, like smoking, to eat, to speak whit telephone, or others activities more dangerous.
- Meteorology: you should rediuce your spid
- Stress: the stress can afect the nervuos.
- Dream

Methods of reduction of the treffic accidents:

- penalty points: the high number of accidents has forced the spainish governament to change driving laws and at present driving offences such as speeding, drink driving, mobil phone us in car... lead to points being taken from your driving licence.

- radar system: the radae are a machine that make a photo if you pass the limito f the velocity.

- Camouflaged cars: are the cars who control thecars on the highway.

- Vial education: its a very important thing because is the begining fot the drivers.

The end

And this is the end if you don’t follow the norms.


Ok people, this is our last oral presentation. What I can say about it? First I have to say that I think that its better than the others orals. First because I see that the pronuntiaton its better and the ideas are more complicated (remember that on the first oral presentation we have to talk about something about our live, and it is so easy, more than this). The second thing that I considerate improve is the body lenguage, that is more sofisticated. The words that we use are a speciality lenguage. Its true that some times we wach de paper, but only some times, no all the time.

As soon as, I think that this are better, but I think that I can make it better, we will see it on next year.


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