martes, 26 de febrero de 2008


Closer, is the story of four strangers.
During history pass various factors make some are in love of others.
The story begins with the arrival of Alice, a young woman from New York to look for a new life in London. Then, Alice falls with a young writer in love, and the writer falls with another women in love.
and the last and most important thing of the film, all begin with one sentence : "Hello stranger"

Well, like already you see it, is a complicated history, so I recommend you that you look it.

This is the trailer :

dO yOu want to listen the summary of the film??
closer history.mp3

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008

Organ donation

We talk about the organ donation.

How many people nned it, ill people, if the governament are agree, how many people want to give her organs and this kind of things.

Gordon Brown says he wants to change the system of organ donation, he belives thousands of lives wold be saves if everyone was automaticaly placen on the donor register. He belives that all the people hav an organ donor card.

My opinion is that its good to be an organ donor, because you can to save a lot of lives.

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2008

Hotel of Beatelmaniacs

Hotel of Beatelmaniacs:

In liverpool there are a lot of things of the Beatels, because they born there, there are shops, bars... and finaly there are an hotel for a fans of "The Beatels".
This hotel is called "The hard days night Hotel". All the things that there are, are of The Beatles, the restaurant, the photos in the rooms...
The suit room, one night costs 1.400 §

It is a unic experience.

If you want to see the video of the new, you have to go down in the page and choos the video that say "Hotel for Beatelmaniacs"

Listening Games

Listenin Game

this listening conists to play a game, that one man gives you a description and you have3 3 photos, you have to choose the correct photo.

If you want to play, the link of games to practise english is this:

New, Mr Bean.

Video of Mr. Bean. Merry Christmas.

Mr. Been is a man that is a little crazy. In this chapter he go in a shop of christmas things. First he look a balls of the christmas tree, then he looks the lights fot the christmas trtee, and finaly he goes to the manger and start to play with the Child Jesus and Joseph, Maria...

In conclusion, it is a funny video =)