domingo, 2 de marzo de 2008

Formal letter

Àngels Bagué & Estela Coronado
Calsiners Street nº21
Castellò d’Empúries
17486 Girona

IES Castellò d’Empúries
Rentador Street nº8
Castellò d’Empúries
17486 Girona

Dear Mrs Pintor.

We are students of the Ies Castellò d’Empúries and we write tis letter for give you our opinion about the school and say the things that we are agree and the things that we don’t like and that we would change.

We would like to begin by saying how positive IES.
On the one hand the study is very hard but when you go to the university you are in the correct leven, the matirial is good 8beemer, computers and internet connection, laboraty,...)

On the other hand, the billding it’s a little sad, the IES is cool in the winter and a lot of hot in the summer.

Finaly, in our opinion, we believe that the center could do more activities (hiking, trips, competitions ...)

In conclusion, IES Castellò d'Empúries is very well organized and we like to be part of the institute.

Yours faithfully,

Àngels & Estela

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