I see my porfolio and I thing that I improve with the writings, I think that now for me, makes writings are most easy, I compare the first text with the last and I can see that are better the lasts. The activity that show my level of English I think that are the writings that I was made this year, because I think that with the you can show your level of English, with the writings and speaking english too.
I think that the activity that is best to improve my english is see films and listen oral presentations, learn new words, listen songs, talk whit other people in english. I think that the grammatical exercices are good to improve the english, but is more useful the other things, because with this you can make the things that make one english person in her live.
I think that all that make in class is useful to learn English, there aren't nothing that you can make that isn't useful. Only that are things that are more useful than the others.
The activities that I enjoy more is listen songs, watch films in english and read interesting books.
We are angels and estela. Today we want to talk about the traffic accidents, a topic that is a very hard problem in our society.
With this oral presentation we try that you think about all the things that are around of the victims of the traffic accidents, because always everybody think "this won’t pass to me" but sometimes this is not true.
Traffic accidents are a very important problem for our comunity. Every day dead a lot of people in the hightway for diferents causes. For example : bad and crazy drivers, badly state of the highway, the alcohol and drugs, and another things. There are more traffic accidents the holidays and in the weekend, because the people take mor the car.
The young drivers:
In 2007 died 1,593 young people between 18 and 29 years, most of the time on weekends, and said that more than half of menors 25 years have ever suffered a traffic accident. It is said that with increasing age of drivers, reduce traffic accidents. They say that the causes of all this is the alcohol and drugs, why the authorities are trying to increase the figure of an alternative driver for the weekend.
In 2007 died 490 motorcyclists on the roads in Spain and 7,000 were wounded. The possibility of having a motorcycle accident, is 13 times higher than with car.
The main risk factor is alcohol, and after the fatigue. The body parts that are most affected are the legs, head, arms and the face, so it is always advisable to use the helmet.
The why of this accidents: - alcohol: it affects the vision, to calculate of distances and to the reaction capacity. Usualy it arries at the maximum point after one ouer ot to have consumed. - Drugs: afect to the capacity of the capacity of the contuction, to the coordination of movements, to the state of animate and to the ersonality. - Velocity: don’t respect the limits of the speed, as to go too fast or to go too much quickly it can be dangerous. - Distraction: make diverse activities uring the conduction, like smoking, to eat, to speak whit telephone, or others activities more dangerous. - Meteorology: you should rediuce your spid - Stress: the stress can afect the nervuos. - Dream
Methods of reduction of the treffic accidents:
- penalty points: the high number of accidents has forced the spainish governament to change driving laws and at present driving offences such as speeding, drink driving, mobil phone us in car... lead to points being taken from your driving licence.
- radar system: the radae are a machine that make a photo if you pass the limito f the velocity.
- Camouflaged cars: are the cars who control thecars on the highway.
- Vial education: its a very important thing because is the begining fot the drivers.
The end
And this is the end if you don’t follow the norms.
Ok people, this is our last oral presentation. What I can say about it? First I have to say that I think that its better than the others orals. First because I see that the pronuntiaton its better and the ideas are more complicated (remember that on the first oral presentation we have to talk about something about our live, and it is so easy, more than this). The second thing that I considerate improve is the body lenguage, that is more sofisticated. The words that we use are a speciality lenguage. Its true that some times we wach de paper, but only some times, no all the time.
As soon as, I think that this are better, but I think that I can make it better, we will see it on next year.
Music Therapy is a therapy that uses the music to adress physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals of all ages. Music therapy improves the quality of life for persons who are well and meets the needs of children and adults with disabilities or illnesses.
Music Therapy have some objectives:
promote wellness (to live better), manage stress (some people can't live with all the work that have to make, or the family...), alleviate pain (people who are ill, the music can alliviate the pain, this is a big invention), express feelings (people who are shain, or iperactive people, childs...), enchance memory (for the old people, "alzeimer" illness), improve communication, promote physical rehabilitation (people who are in a rehabilitation proces), and other things...
Music therapy is very useful for all people around the world. Music is the best invention for the humans, and one of the oldest. I belive with this therapy, and I thing that can help a lot.
Tv and magazines show to the society how one girl have to be to can considerate beautiful. This thing is a problem, because all girls want to be thin and beautiful and they make all that can, this make that the teenager girls developing eating disorders.
There are one project that is Body Project that consist the teenagers make things to have segurity. For example they write in a paper "Love your body the way it is". With this project he risk of developing eating disorders was reduced 61% among Body Project participants.
There are a lot of girls, and now boys, that are afects for this eating disorders, and this is not good, because there are some people that died for this. The girls stop to eat and then they have to go to the hospital and there have to be tractated with medicins. This girls never will be the same person.
and finaly remember:
YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. DON'T BE SOMEONE THAT YOU'RE NOT. BE YOURSELF. ( People will be love you for who are you, no for how are you ;) )
In Wight Island, Amy Nicholls arrives to an Hospital to work as night nurse because the other nurse that have this place go away for a strange things. Amy see strange things in this Hospital. Maggie, that is a girl who Amy starts to feel affection, say that she can hear voices and say that she can talk with "mechanical girl" called Charlotte that would live upstairs of the Hospital. Amy asks about Charlotte to Maggie, and she say that she is angry, because one day the people take away the girl that she cure. This girl have the disease of "Fragiles". Amy have to save all children that are in the Hospital, because if the "mechanical girl" is angry, she start to broken her anrms and her legs.
With this film I learned: Mechanical girl: that is the expresion to use to talk about the nurse, and means "la noia mecànica" Disease: that means "malaltia" Some vocabulary of the hospitalslike the medicin or others
We have almost learnt to respect our world. Do you agree?
I’m not agree. The people who live in our world don’t think about respect it, they only think about the money and how they make to goes rich. They pollute the atmosphere, cut trees, kill animals, and another things.
I think that are not a lot of people that think about the future of our world, only the ecologist people and some person, to care for our earth and make something to change all the badly things that the rest of the people make.
In addition I think that it’s the biggest problem that the humans will have in their lives, because the nature, the world is our home and the pollution in our world are increasing. If we don’t respect it, then where will we live?
In conclusion, I think that we have to try to think about the things that we only well have one time in our live, no more. Although I think that it is too late for change our the problems that are affect in the world.
Too much importance is given to exams at school. Do you agree?
I agree with this sentence. Aways all of the marks that you can have of schools are exams, but nobody makes this question: What is behind the exams?
In my opinion, teachers have to considerate the importance of the exams, because you have stady to learn things, but I think that they have to conciderate the importance of all taht are behind this exams exercices.
In addition they have to considerate the capacity of the pupil, because if one boy have too much memory, her exam will be ok, but what happens if another boy are very very inteligent but they haven't memory?
In conclusion, I think that its a very relative topic because all pupils are diferent. For this reason I think that the importance are in the exams, but the importance are in the capacity of the person too.
La conca de Barberà is located halfway between the Tarragona coast and the city og Lleida. One important village of La conca de Barberà is L’espluga de Francolí, this town is well known for its caves and as well as this natural undergound attraction, there is also the Museu del Vi (Wine Museum) and the Museu de la Vida Rural, a museum dedicated to Catalan country life.
In this comarca there are too another important village that is called Poblet, there are the Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Poblet. It is the larges inhabited Cistercian monastery in Europe, and since,m a UNESCO Wordl Heritage Site. Foundaded in, it is one of a trio of Cistercian communities set un as part of the strategy of reorganisation and repopulation of “New Catalunya”, adopted by the Catalan-Aragonese rulers after the deafeat of the Moorish conquetors. Today it’s possible to visit about halfthe monastery, including the main cloister, the 13th-century kitchen and dining-room and dormitories.
I saw all of this 3 times, because I was stay there, and I have to say that is a magic place that I think that all people have to see. =)
In my opinion The best invention in history is the photographic camera. First diagram of a camera obscura appeared in a manuscript by Leonardo da Vinci in 1519, then Thomas Edison invented the first commercially camera in 1887. but Eastman Kodak, is who invented the digital camera in 1990
The camera is a little box that allows you to capture images and moments of your live. I think that it’s important for the humanity because it’s a great step for our lives, you can have your past in a picture, and this premise that you don’t forget it.
Some people in the world While the sun is going down Enjoy her life or Enjoy her dreams That make them somebody happy I want this, all people want this Everybody wants one Sweetie next to them.
I want to especificate you the reason or the objective of this portfolio.
First, I think that we stay in the future, where all is tecnology, computers and internet and I think that for to move on this world you have to speak a little of english, to travel, to learn another cultures...
And the principal reason of this portfolio is give the poissibility to show my work and my level of english around the world.
The weather around the world is changing, in the past there are for a natural causes, but now, we are the reason, the reason of our destruction. Our cars, the industries, the citys, the contamination... This is the reason of the climatic change.
Nowadays we can't make something to change this, because now its too late, the only thing that we can make its stop the contamination and the impact, maybe,will be less important and the people of the future, our children will can live in a "better world". But the consequences are for all the animals in the world, no only we. The birds, the bears and the pinguins of the North Pole...
My question is, how we can arrived here?
I think that the reason most important its the money. The money make go crazy all man they make all the things to be rich, and we stay making the worst mistake of our lives.
Christians around the world are celebrating Easter Sunday.
Easter Sunday is the day they believe Jesus Christ was resurrected. All persons doesn't work this day, and they go to the church. Some cultures around the world the children paint eggs because is an Easter tradition.
In a lot of parts of the world ther are a differents traditions, here in Catalonia, the tradition is that the "Padrins" give Mones, that is chocolat eggs or money to "Fillols", and the Sunday ( I think) the children go to the church with the "Palma".
I think that its a nice tradition, but I think that the holidays are too shorts... =))
I think that the film of Frankenstein its better than the book because you can see the especial efects and all that you can't in the book.
There are a lot of diferences with the book and the film, for example in the book the father of Frankenstain died of sadness, and in the film the monster kill he. Another diference is that in the book the monster died burned for his self and in the film the monster burned with frankenstein and he too died. another is that Frankenstain in the film make the woman monster in Switzerland and in the book he goes to Scotland to make it. And the most important diference its the final of the history.
I think that this oral presentation its better than the last, but I think that we can preperated before. The mistakes are, we wath the paper and the pronuntiation can be better. The corporal lenguage is well.
Only the blue sea and the blue sky, no more. This two things make that this place, the caribbean beach are one of "dream places", and I think its true, all there is calm, with the sun on your skin, the sand under you, with nobody around you... In the photo the boat that are on the middle can feel you little than all the world. This place are like I say simple but perfect.
Once upon a time there was a librarian called Julia. Julia was thirteen years old. All was good since they parents died in a terrible car accident, she was in the accident and his brother too, but fortunately they saved their lives, Julia became very wretch, she had to leave the school to take charge of his little brother Melvin, who since the accident was in a state of shock, remaining mentally disabled, moreover she remain lame. Melvin was a fifteen years old boy, but since the accident from seven years ago, he didn’t go at school, and his mental disability makes him unable to go. One day, Julia had to rest working at the library till late at night, while she was putting books in order she noticed someone touching at her back, she scared a lot, but when she turned on her back she saw her brother. Julia noticed that her brother was very altered, so she decided to tell him a scary tale, because Melvin loved scary tales, Julia had always changed a bit the stories to make she and her brother the protagonists of the story. - Once upon a time there were two brothers that they love each other a lot, but for life questions they only have one to another. One day they started to play in a library, hiding and searching each other. While they were playing, the little brother disappears... Julia stopped; someone was knocking strongly at the door. Julia went to the door, and slowly opened to see who it was. It was her boyfriend, Marc, she let him to go in. But Julia noticed something strange in his face, it wasn’t the same. When Melvin saw Marc he start screaming, and trying to apart his sister from Marc. Julia’s boyfriend start to scream, and Julia when she saw that this wasn’t normal took her brother and start to run. She closed in the library’s clearance and tried to call the police, but there wasn’t signal. Marc was trying desperately go into the room. Finally he went into the room and shout: - Julia! Run ! But it was too late, Julia was leaning on the floor with a knife stabbed on his back and Melvin standing next to her.
IES Castellò d’Empúries Rentador Street nº8 Castellò d’Empúries 17486 Girona
Dear Mrs Pintor.
We are students of the Ies Castellò d’Empúries and we write tis letter for give you our opinion about the school and say the things that we are agree and the things that we don’t like and that we would change.
We would like to begin by saying how positive IES. On the one hand the study is very hard but when you go to the university you are in the correct leven, the matirial is good 8beemer, computers and internet connection, laboraty,...)
On the other hand, the billding it’s a little sad, the IES is cool in the winter and a lot of hot in the summer.
Finaly, in our opinion, we believe that the center could do more activities (hiking, trips, competitions ...)
In conclusion, IES Castellò d'Empúries is very well organized and we like to be part of the institute.
I have known Manu since 10 of September in 2007. He is from El Masnou next to Barcelona, and he is sixteen years old. He is there always, with her smile, her dreams and her guitar. He is a special person, a special friend. He is brown-eyed, he is tall and he is got short and brown hair. He has a music hands, and always is wearing trousers, a t-shirt and the “Palestine” that I had donated. I think that is attractive, but above all he has a cute smile. Manu seems rather shy and cool-hearted person, but then, when you want to know he, you can see that is very sociable and really extroverted person. I think that he has a huge heart, and this makes it a sensitive, kind and good person. I think he has a gift, something that makes it special when picks up the guitar. When I look at playing the guitar, he captivates my mind, as if there was not anything else. One thing that I like more of Manu is her imagination, her optimism and the way that he looks the world… He is Manu, my friend.
Closer, is the story of four strangers. During history pass various factors make some are in love of others. The story begins with the arrival of Alice, a young woman from New York to look for a new life in London. Then, Alice falls with a young writer in love, and the writer falls with another women in love. and the last and most important thing of the film, all begin with one sentence : "Hello stranger"
Well, like already you see it, is a complicated history, so I recommend you that you look it.
This is the trailer :
dO yOu want to listen the summary of the film?? ;)
How many people nned it, ill people, if the governament are agree, how many people want to give her organs and this kind of things.
Gordon Brown says he wants to change the system of organ donation, he belives thousands of lives wold be saves if everyone was automaticaly placen on the donor register. He belives that all the people hav an organ donor card.
My opinion is that its good to be an organ donor, because you can to save a lot of lives.
In liverpool there are a lot of things of the Beatels, because they born there, there are shops, bars... and finaly there are an hotel for a fans of "The Beatels". This hotel is called "The hard days night Hotel". All the things that there are, are of The Beatles, the restaurant, the photos in the rooms... The suit room, one night costs 1.400 §
It is a unic experience. If you want to see the video of the new, you have to go down in the page and choos the video that say "Hotel for Beatelmaniacs"
Mr. Been is a man that is a little crazy. In this chapter he go in a shop of christmas things. First he look a balls of the christmas tree, then he looks the lights fot the christmas trtee, and finaly he goes to the manger and start to play with the Child Jesus and Joseph, Maria...