The weather around the world is changing, in the past there are for a natural causes, but now, we are the reason, the reason of our destruction. Our cars, the industries, the citys, the contamination... This is the reason of the climatic change.
Nowadays we can't make something to change this, because now its too late, the only thing that we can make its stop the contamination and the impact, maybe, will be less important and the people of the future, our children will can live in a "better world". But the consequences are for all the animals in the world, no only we. The birds, the bears and the pinguins of the North Pole...
My question is, how we can arrived here?
I think that the reason most important its the money. The money make go crazy all man they make all the things to be rich, and we stay making the worst mistake of our lives.
If you have a little of heart, think about it.

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