Music Therapy is a therapy that uses the music to adress physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals of all ages. Music therapy improves the quality of life for persons who are well and meets the needs of children and adults with disabilities or illnesses.
Music Therapy have some objectives:
promote wellness (to live better), manage stress (some people can't live with all the work that have to make, or the family...), alleviate pain (people who are ill, the music can alliviate the pain, this is a big invention), express feelings (people who are shain, or iperactive people, childs...), enchance memory (for the old people, "alzeimer" illness), improve communication, promote physical rehabilitation (people who are in a rehabilitation proces), and other things...
Music therapy is very useful for all people around the world. Music is the best invention for the humans, and one of the oldest. I belive with this therapy, and I thing that can help a lot.
Enjoy the music =)
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